| Pure Art + HRW Designs in Austin, TX
Thats What Its All About by Hallie Rae Ward_.jpg



Laid Back on Lady Bird Lake

Hallie Rae Ward
Acrylic on wood in floating custom wood frame
Painting: 8” x 26” x 3.5”
Poem: 4.5” x 3.5” x 1”


Let’s rest & relax.
Let’s rest & recuperate.
Lay out our blanket,
Hang out and conversate.
Swans floating side by side,
Turtles basking nearby,
Fish swimming and flowing,
All of the chill vibes on the lakeside.

Life is good


Lunch on Lady Bird Lake

Hallie Rae Ward
Acrylic on wood 
8” x 26” x 3.5”


You & Me, let’s go for a picnic.
Red checkered blanket,Vittles and libations,
And great conversations.
Down by the lake,
It’s lunch time for all.
Look down the way
Fish swimming as a school,
Not one has missed roll call.
The heron awaits.
A good meal is on its way.
A fly and scoop,
The heron completes a nice swoop.
A nice meal for a good day.
Let’s enjoy our food
And give thanks for all that is good.

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It Takes Two to Tango

Hallie Rae Ward
Acrylic on birch
6" x 24" x 2.5"


It Takes Two to Tango
WE consists of You & Me.
We must love the same dance
To learn, adjust, and advance.
From mind, body, and energy,
You & Me create beautiful synergy.
Every step is intentional.
We must own our actions
And be rational. 
Cause and effect is impactful.
We must both be accepting and receptive
To glide smoothly
Across our circumstances
That we call our Tango dances. 

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That’s What It’s All About

Acrylic on plywood
4ft x 8ft
(Private Corporate Collection in San Antonio, TX)

“That’s What It’s All About” embraces the overall inspirations I have throughout my life. My motto is ‘Life is good’.
It’s important to absorb your surroundings, including the people involved, landscapes, and experiences.
All of these things are what make me who I am.
One must learn to embrace what they have in their lives, or become aware of what they would like their lives to be.