| Pure Art + HRW Designs in Austin, TX
Hallie Rae_Ward_ Outdoor Art_Ebb and Flow and Glow_#1.jpg

Collect: Positive Glow Light Beams

COLLECT : Positive Glow

C O L L E C T : P O S I T I V E G L O W A R T

Here is artwork that is currently available and ready to go home with YOU!

Available to create Custom Artwork
for You & Your Space too!
Check out previous Commissions & other Positive Glow Artworks for more options!



Hallie Rae Ward
Light Beam: fiber, tube, LEDs
(with color changing remote)
- 48” x 1.75” - light beam
Poetry book (accordion style)
- 3”x 3” - book

** Available for purchase, CONTACT

Fluttering with an affinity
An affinity for the nectar
The nectar that fuels you
The nectar that hydrates you
Light as a feather
Luck in the air
Moments of JOY when we’re together
Wingbeats of resilience 
I’m iridescent and brilliant

Light Beam - off



[ New York City ]
Hallie Rae Ward

Light Beam: fiber, tube, LEDs
(with color changing remote)
- 48” x 1.75” - light beam
Poem: paper & wood
- 4.5” x 3.5” x 1” - poem  
Photo book (accordion style)
- 3”x 3” - photo book

** Available for purchase, CONTACT


The buzz of the city, contagious. 
It’s the best version of me, vivacious!
The vibes are everywhere. 
The hustle, the grind, 
The upper echelon & the divine. 
Art & biz run the streets.
Diversity is the heartbeat.
Hearts making moves.
Everybody is creating their groove.
Your destination is here. 
The big city, 
New York City.



Hallie Rae Ward
Light Beam:
fiber, tube, LEDs
(with color changing remote)
——- 48” x 1.75” - light beam
Poem: paper & wood
——- 4.5” x 3.5” x 1” - poem

** Available for purchase,

Palm trees.
Green and expands like a fan,
Dances in the wind.
Its vibe is a sensual zen.
Feels like paradise.
Stands tall and proud
And is quite profound.

(does not have a border)

Light beam OFF



Hallie Rae Ward
Light Beam:
fiber, tube, LEDs
(with color changing remote)
——- 48” x 1.75” - light beam
Poem: paper & wood
——- 4.5” x 3.5” x 1” - poem

** Available for purchase,

What do you like to do?
How are you going to work it?
Dreams do come true.
Being PolyProfessional is for you. 
You may have 1, 2, or 3 things that you do. 
Because you do what you have to,
To be in your passion.
Therefore you learn along the way and take action. 
It’s a lifestyle to embrace. 
It’s a vision and a vibe you feel inside like a deep bass. 
Being creative, being driven, welcoming abundance, 
Will empower you and let you advance. 
Hang in there and thrive, we believe in you. 
Live and love life with intention. 
You are the fuel to your own engine.


Foreplay / Four Play

LEDs, fiber, tubes, wood, paint
36” x 50” x 6”
Price upon request

** Available for purchase, CONTACT
** Showed at The Femme Abstract

Foreplay / Four Play.
It’s new, it’s smooth, & sets the mood.
It leads the way to bright beginnings
And lets us receive all of the winnings.
Every flow is intentional
With its ebb and flow being natural.

Hallie Beams Which Way Are You Going by Hallie Rae Ward.jpg

Which Way Are You Going?

Mixed Media
7’6″ x 3′10" diameter
Price upon request

AVAILABLE, CONTACT for questions & purchase

Exhibited at:
- “The Femme Abstract”
Gallery 701 at the Long Center, January – October, 2016 (Austin, Texas)

Which Way Are You Going?
Climb up the ladder to cloud 9.
Climb down the ladder to see what we need to refine.
Look inside and deeply acknowledge,
Our truths, our choices are symbolic of what we need to nourish and demolish
To reach our highest height of internal peace of mind,
Find & create how we align
With ourselves and this world.

Hallie Beams On and On by Hallie Rae Ward.jpg

Hallie Beams: On & On

Mixed Media
73″ x 15"
Price upon request

**Available for purchase, CONTACT

Exhibited at:
Gallery 701 at the Long Center, January – October, 2016 (Austin, Texas)
People’s Gallery, January – December, 2015 (Austin, Texas)

Everyone has a beam of light inside themselves, and that beam travels from you to each person you meet, going on and on. Everything we do involves people in one way or another. You have to discover what makes you happy, and extend that to others. In the meantime, like it or not, your life journey continues, and, with each step you take, you must decide who stays in your life, and when you need to move on.