| Pure Art + HRW Designs in Austin, TX
Hallie Rae_Ward_7b.jpg

Collect: Linocut Prints

Linocut Prints

C O L L E C T : L I N O C UT P R I N T S

Here is artwork that is currently available and ready to go home with YOU!

Available to create Custom Artwork
for You & Your Space too!

Check out previous Commissions & other Linocut Artworks for more options!

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You & Me: Meet Me in the City

Linocut on wood panel
4′ x 8′ x 6″
Price upon request

**Available for purchase, CONTACT

Exhibited at:
Gallery 701 at the Long Center, January – October, 2016 (Austin, Texas)

Urban high-rise apartment buildings, with all their windows and residents, have always caused me to wonder as to who lives there, and what goes on behind all those closed doors. This piece represents the grid-like appearance of these buildings, and the individual linocut prints personify the different relationships and experiences between the people behind those windows: couples having intimate moments, people having a party, two people getting to know each other, families living together, friendships growing, and the positive energy that can occur between two people.