| Pure Art + HRW Designs in Austin, TX
Objects of Desire_Hallie Rae_Ward_around 16in x 16in x 2.5in.jpg

Collect: Art Vinyls


Here is the artwork that is currently available and ready to go home with YOU!

C O L L E C T : A R T V I N Y L S

Here is artwork that is currently available and ready to go home with YOU!

Available to create Custom Artwork
for You & Your Space too!
Check out previous Commissions & other Art Vinyls for more options!

The Objects of Desire_Hallie Rae_Ward_around 16in x 16in x 2.5in.jpg

Objects of Desire

Artisan Wool Yarn, vinyl record, acrylic paint
16” x 16” x 2.5” (approximately)

** Available for purchase. Currently hanging at Art+ Artisans Consulting. CONTACT

What do you desire?
All of the beauty in this world.
Art + Music + Culture + Travel + People + Dance
Love + Happiness + Grandeur + Romance + Magic + Connection + Experiences + Laughs